
The Appalachian Mountains pass through Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Found land and Labrador, New Brunswick, New Hampshire and Vermont. There live animals like flying squirrel or caribous and its natural resources are of petroleum, natural gas, tuna and salmon.
Canada has a Great Lake zone that is formed by six lakes and four rivers that connect those lakes. St Marys River connects Lake Superior to Lake Huron and it pass through the Georgian Bay. St Clair River connects Lake Huron to Lake Erie “ai”, to Lake St. Clairs, and Lake St. Clairs is connected to Lake Erie by Detroit River; through its middle is the border of US and Canada. Niagara River connects Lake Erie to Lake Ontario that arrives to the Atlantic Ocean St. Lawrence River.
How were they formed? One billion years ago two previously tectonic plates split apart and created the Midcontinental Rift and Lawrence Rift. They leaved basis for the other lakes. Great Lakes were created at the end of the last ice age, 10000 years ago, when the ice receded. Glaciers left behind a lot of water that filled up the basis.
Canadian cordillera is the Canadian portion of Western Cordillera. They are also known as the Canadian Rockies and they have some acid rains.
Canada is part of the Pacific ring of fire system, because it has lots of volcanoes. Those volcanoes have pillow lavas from over 2 million years and an example is Mount Garibaldi.
Now my friend Cèlia is going to talk about languages and accents.

Ski resorts:

Well, Canadian Rockies have a great range of ski resorts situated at different altitudes and they receive snowfalls at different time, so you can choose the mountain that best suits your needs.
In Quebec there are 16 different ski resorts, but the most known is Mont Blanc. There are 35 runs for every level of skier and snowboarders can ride over the whole mountain and they have a snowpark with a half pipe, ramps and jumps.
In Ontario there are also 16 ski resorts and an example is Mount St Louis. I has 35 runs too and the capacity of 23000 skier per hour. It don’t has snowpark.
In Manitoba there are only 5 ski resorts but the most exciting is Asessippi Winter Park, with an excellent terrain. It has a mix of downhill skiing, downhill snowboarding and downhill tubing.
In British Columbia there are 20 different ski resorts. The most important is Red Mountain resort that has been named one of the top ten ski resorts of North America by Forbes Magazine. There are 87 runs spread across two stellar mountains: Red Mountain and Granite Mountain.
In Prince Edward Island there’s only a ski resort: Brookvale Provincial Park. It has lots of outdoor activities like ice skating, biathlon or cross country skiing.
Now it’s the last time to Cèlia to talk you about events and festivals.